Welcome to HyperSnap DX version 5

We've made many new and exciting changes to HyperSnap-DX version 5. Not only that, but we've completely re-engineered the help system to use the more powerful HTML help technology present in the latest versions of Windows. Because of this, and for many other reasons, we think version 5 is our best HyperSnap-DX release yet.

New users of the product should start reading the first few help topics. They'll cover the most basic features of how to use the program. Advanced HyperSnap-DX pros will want to see What's new in version 5 before they get down to work.

How to use this help file

This help file uses several small graphics to help you notice important bits of text. These include the numbered text or sometimes the marks the spot graphic to illustrate procedural steps. Next is the "note" to illustrate an idea or group of ideas about a subject. Then there's the tip graphic to advise you of helpful pointers. Another is the "important" graphic to make you aware of crucial, perhaps even critical information thatùif ignoredùmay cause the program to work in a way that you might not expect, or even malfunction and cause data loss. Finally there's the little red book which is just to mark the beginning of a section, or a collection of small topics that belong together. It's a "grab bag" sort of graphic, used when none of the others applied.

This help file also uses some special Table of contents graphics that will alert you to the type of topic linked to that entry. Click the name of the topic type to see an explanation of each type.

Keep from being surprised:

A good rule to keep from being "surprised" by a dialer or connection password dialog that appears unexpectedly is to assume that a documentation hotlink containing a web or E-mail address is "live." Some topics in this documentùsuch as Visit HyperSnap-DX home in User supportùare not contained at all "locally" on your hard drive, but are downloaded via live connections direct to the Hyperionics support or other web pages. This allows us to provide "up to the minute" documentation without releasing constant updates for some topics, too.

One important thing to remember:

You should license the software if you want to continue using it. Otherwise, you won't reap the full benefits the program has to offer.

Until you do purchase a license, HyperSnap-DX will gently remind you to do so, and in addition, it will add a small "brand" to all of your captures that declares the program's unlicensed status.

There are many other benefits to registering besides removing the reminder dialogs and the brand. These include top-notch support, access to upgrades and fixes, and much, much more. We feel that Hyperionics has produced a superior product with rich and powerful features, complete ease of use, and top-notch well-written documentation.

And we think that all of this work is worth the cost of registration. Please don't pirate software. You're only hurting yourself when you do so. Why so? Because if everybody "steals" it, how will be continue to develop it?

Without the income from licenses which we use to support future development and pay for ongoing user support expenses, the program will not improve as it's reliably done over the years, with release after release growing more useful and sophisticated. Help us support you and the work you need to do with our product by doing the right thing and licensing it.

However if you try it and honestly don't agree that it's as good as we say it is, tell us why you feel this way.

We take all genuine user comments and feature requests seriously.

See Where to buy HyperSnap-DX 5 for more details about license options and other related information.